
In Memoriam - Emmanuel Flores

God of Negroes [Ouvir/Baixar] - Gravações domésticas
“Entrei em quadrícula” na região de Farim, no norte da Guiné-Bissau, como oficial do Batalhão de Caçadores 1887, em 1966, após uma estadia de poucos meses no quartel da Amura em Bissau. Todos aqueles meses de Guiné provocaram em mim uma grande tristeza e desânimo, ao constatar que os mais de 500 anos de presença portuguesa naquelas paragens não tinham produzido nenhum resultado civilizacional palpável. As populações indígenas viviam no meio das maiores carências, sem meios sanitários de qualquer espécie à sua disposição, não falando uma palavra da língua portuguesa, abandonadas, exploradas, ignoradas, desprezadas.
A administração pública e os lugares de chefia dentro da sociedade civil estavam entregues a uma elite de cabo-verdianos que exerciam a mais tirânica repressão sobre os guineenses. Estes, desamparados, pareciam até esquecidos por Deus. Foi então que me surgiu a idéia de me dirigir ao “Deus dos Negros” a pedir-lhe piedade para o seu povo, já que o deus dos brancos parecia tê-lo abandonado.
Assim nasceu “God of Negroes”, uma balada pungente, verdadeiro “negro spiritual”, como apelo derradeiro para a salvação de um povo inocente e infeliz, a quem mais ninguém parecia poder socorrer.
Mais tarde, os moços do Conjunto Académico de João Paulo pediram-me para gravar esta minha composição, o que fizeram, sem qualquer interferência da minha parte. Foram a minha casa um gravador portátil gravar a minha versão, e a próxima vez que ouvi falar da música foi quando a ouvi na rádio interpretada por eles. Tive pena de não me terem pedido algumas dicas que poderiam ter melhorado o resultado comercial final, principalmente no que respeita ao sotaque madeirense do Sérgio Borges, que eu poderia ter ajudado a corrigir para que o inglês ficasse mais decente, mas... paciência, não foi por falta de eu ter oferecido ajuda.
Enfim, aqui está a minha versão original, propositadamente repetitiva e monocórdica, tal como a concebi in loco na Guiné-Bissau.
NOTA: Estas gravações domésticas são como rascunhos. Feitas em gravador de cassettes, sem recursos de espécie alguma, destinam-se unicamente a figurar como fichas num arquivo de memórias.7/24/2008
Pavilhão dos Desportos (1)
Autógrafos (1)
Domingos de manhã (1)
O nascimento do Nazaré Rock
A Década de 60 [Ouvir/Baixar] - Gravações domésticas
NOTA: Estas gravações domésticas são como rascunhos. Feitas em gravador de cassettes, sem recursos de espécie alguma, destinam-se unicamente a figurar como fichas num arquivo de memórias.
Gostos não se discutem!


Sempre que eu afirmo que GOSTO de ser careca, alguém replica que digo isso porque SOU (ou estou) careca. Eis aqui a prova do contrário com um peso temporal de mais e 40 anos entre as fotos da esquerda (Guiné-Bissau) e as da direita (North Virginia e Brasil). Ah como eu sempre gostei de sentir o fresquinho no miolo!...
Balada da Fome [Ouvir/Baixar] - Gravações domésticas
No Curso de Oficiais Milicianos (COM) de Mafra 1965, a Balada da Fome virou um verdadeiro hino, cantado em uníssono pelos 1.800 cadetes que o integravam. Na festa de final do curso efetuada a seguir ao juramento de bandeira e outras mascaradas militares, cantei-a na frente de todos os representantes do poder instituído que estvam ali presentes, inclusive as madames do Movimento Nacional Feminino. Pensei que iria direto dali para o xilindró, mas como a esmagadora maioria dos cadetes resolveu cantar o refrão comigo, teria sido necessário engavetar 1.800 pessoas - o que os calabouços da PIDE não comportavam...
NOTA: Estas gravações domésticas são como rascunhos. Feitas em gravador de cassettes, sem recursos de espécie alguma, destinam-se unicamente a figurar como fichas num arquivo de memórias.
Tu sabes que eu te quero [Ouvir/Baixar] - Gravações domésticas
O resultado está aqui. Mostrei-o somente a um número muito reduzido de amigos íntimos na época e regressei ao meu silêncio habitual. Hoje torno-o público.
NOTA: Estas gravações domésticas são como rascunhos. Feitas em gravador de cassettes, sem recursos de espécie alguma, destinam-se unicamente a figurar como fichas num arquivo de memórias.
Lugar para Dois [Ouvir/Baixar] - Gravações domésticas
NOTA: Estas gravações domésticas são como rascunhos. Feitas em gravador de cassettes, sem recursos de espécie alguma, destinam-se unicamente a figurar como fichas num arquivo de memórias.
Dizer-te Adeus [Ouvir/Baixar] - Gravações domésticas
NOTA: Estas gravações domésticas são como rascunhos. Feitas em gravador de cassettes, sem recursos de espécie alguma, destinam-se unicamente a figurar como fichas num arquivo de memórias.
O meu segundo (e último) disco [Ouvir/Baixar]
Este EP contém os principais temas da trilha sonora do filme de Henrique de Campos "Pão, Amor e... Totobola", mas somente um é interpretado por mim. Música de Helder Martins e letra de Aníbal Nazaré, pode ser ouvido ou descarregado clicando no título abaixo:
Etiqueta Parlophone da Valentim de Carvalho, publicado em 1963.
O meu primeiro disco [Ouvir/Baixar]
Publicado em 1961 pela Alvorada (Rádio Triunfo) com os temas:
As duas primeiras são de autoria de Manuel Viegas e as duas últimas são de minha autoria.
A música que mais tocou na rádio foi "Sansão foi Enganado".
A minha preferida é "Dezassete", que compus no dia em que fiz 17 anos.
Podem ser ouvidas ou descarregadas clicando sobre os títulos.
Festa de homenagem a Álvaro Pereira
Aconteceu no dia 29 de Abril de 1963. Festival comemorativo dos 50 anos de carreira artística do grande ator de teatro Álvaro Pereira. Lá me apresentei, no Coliseu dos Recreios (a grande sala de espetáculos que Lisboa venera e conserva até aos dia de hoje), junto com diversos outros representantes de todas as áreas artísticas. Foi uma honra e um prazer.
Relembro aqui esse momento através do programa, autografado na capa e com um dedicatória especial para mim no interior, manuscrita pelo próprio saudoso Álvaro Pereira.
Rock Around the Clock
É sabido que o rock and roll foi amplamente divulgado em todo o mundo através do filme em preto e branco "Rock Around the Clock" (1956). Também é conhecido que a banda "Bill Haley and his Comets" era a atração principal da película. O que muitos (que não viveram nessa época) não sabem é que foram também ali lançados grupos como os Platters, os Diamonds e... Freddie Bell and the Bell Boys, com as músicas do disco que aqui apresentamos na edição inglesa da época em 78 rpm. Os temas ainda se ouvem com muito prazer, mais de 50 anos depois:
- Giddy-up-a Ding Dong
- I said it and I'm glad
Connie Francis - A primeira rocker
Uma das minhas grandes favoritas dos anos dourados, ela foi realmente a primeira rocker, embora Brenda Lee lhe possa disputar o lugar no pódium. Amo-as por igual. Qualquer das duas possui uma voz e um estilo inconfundíveis, e uma maneira muito própria de interpretar baladas.
Este disco é uma edição Metro (da MGM) original norte-americana de 1964. Conteúdo:
- Someone else's boy
- Too many rules
- Vacation
- Don't break yhe heart that loves you
- I was such a fool
- I'm gonna be warm this winter
- The biggest sin of all
- We have something more
- Plenty good lovin'
- It happened last night
Bobby Darin - You're the reason I'm living (fabuloso álbum de música country)

Original American edition (Capitol 1866, February 1963)
Recording Dates: September 25, 1962, January 1963
Producer: Nik Venet
Arrangements: Shorty Rogers*, Gerald Wilson**, Jimmie Haskell***
SEPT 25, 1962-Jimmie Haskell (cond); Harmonica Fats (harmonica); Glen Campbell (g); Earl Palmer (d); other details unknown.
Side 1:
*Sally Was A Good Old Girl (Harlan Howard)
**Be Honest With Me (Gene Autry/Fred Rose)
*Oh Lonesome Me (Don Gibson)
*(I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle (Hank Williams/Jimmie Davis)
*It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin' (Johnny Tillotson)
***You're The Reason I'm Living (Bobby Darin) (September 25, 1962)
Side 2:
**Please Help Me I'm Falling (Don Robertson/Hal Blair)
*Under Your Spell Again (Buck Owens/Dusty Rhodes)
**Here I Am (Glen Campbell/Marc Douglas)
*Who Can I Count On (Sammy Masters) [duet with Mary Clayton]
***Now You're Gone (Bobby Darin)
**Release Me (Eddie Miller/Dub Williams/Robert Yount)
Memórias da História do Rock em Portugal
Aproveitando o facto de ter recebido ontem pelo correio o livrinho da Exposição Nova Vaga do Montijo (Abril 2008), gentimente remetido pelo amigo João Carlos Callixto, seu co-autor, relembro aqui também a Enciclopédia da Música Ligeira Portuguesa (oferta dos diretores da edição, os irmãos João e Luís Pinheiro de Almeida, 1998), e 25 Anos de Rock'n'Portugal, de António A. Duarte, 1984.
Obrigado a todos pelas bem intencionadas referências a este modesto cidadão.
Cumako - World Fusion - No Borders
Notícias dos Gouveia
11 de Maio - Cerimónia de entrega de diploma (colação de grau) da Shandy
The Everly Brothers Best
Rudolf Steiner & The Legacy Of The Star Gods
- A quantum leap in humankind' s intellectual development occurred in Sumer 6000 years ago when cuneiform writing was invented in order to record a dramatic starburst. Every pulsating thrust of the technology with which humankind surrounds itself today was initiated when a star died in a dramatic, brilliant explosion.
- The psychological and cultural impact of the supernova on the inhabitants of Sumer was overwhelming. Literally "overnight" in evolutionary terms, the Sumerians gave the world a law code, the first love song, the first school system, the first parliament, and the first directory of pharmaceutical remedies. The origins of contemporary Western culture were nursed in Sumer, the cradle of civilization. The roots of the Judeo-Christian religious beliefs grew from the "tree of knowledge," the Garden of Eden, which tradition places in that same area.
- Today astronomers recognize the nearest and brightest supernova ever witnessed by humankind as Vela X, now a faintly flashing pulsar about 1300 light-years from our solar system. George Michanowsky, a specialist in Mesopotamian astronomy, saw how the very first and most fundamental symbol of Sumerian script was one which represented "star." He went on to show how the first word ever written by a human soon became linked with the symbol for "deity," thus communicating "star god." Michanowsky saw the death-blaze of Vela X to have been such a profound sky show that it became a "cultural organizing principle" that forced human knowledge to take a dramatic leap forward.
- But was there something more that took place at that time? The priest -historian Berossus chronicled the account of Oannes, half-man, half-fish, who surfaced from the Persian Gulf to instruct the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia in the arts of civilization. Oannes was said to be one who was possessed of an insight into letters, sciences, and every kind of art. Oannes was but an ancient Greek form of Ea, the star god of the Sumerians.
- Were the Sumerians so overwhelmingly inspired by the starburst that they were stimulated into creating writing, law, education, and many of the essential concepts of science?
- Or had they received some overt physical assistance and instruction from survivors who might have been escaping the supernova, the death of their sun?
- Reference to a god who was said to be half-man, half-fish suggests, once again, an amphibious intelligence. Later, we may recall a great teacher of righteousness, a "fisher of men," who taught the Way and whose followers identified themselves to one another by making the sign of a fish.
- Australian Sir John Eccles (1903-1997), winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1963, was the complete scientist, philosopher, metaphysician. As the neurophysiologist who demonstrated the transmission of electrical impulses in the brain, he declared that his research led him to conclude that evolution alone cannot explain man's awareness of himself. Sir John became increasingly convinced that there must have been the intervention of some transcendental agency in the infusion into humankind of Soul. Simply stated, he maintained that the brain and the mind are separate entities which interact, but it is only the brain that is the product of genetic evolution.
- Sir John explained that he was an evolutionist, of course, but he did not believe that evolution was the final story As he stated once in an interview in the Washington Post [April, 1981], "The genetic code and natural selection explain quite a lot, but evolution doesn't explain how I came to exist. It doesn't explain even the origin of consciousness .... If you look at the most modern texts on evolution, you find nothing about mind and consciousness. They assume that it just comes automatically with the development of the brain. But that's not an answer. If my uniqueness of self is tied to the genetic uniqueness of self that built my brain, the odds against myself existing are 10 to the 10-thousandth against.
- "It is just too improbable to wait around to get the right constructed brain for you. The brain is a computer, you see. Each of us has a computer, and we are the programmers of this computer. [We were] born ... with what this wonderful structure of evolution and genetic coding have wrought.... But the soul is this unique creation that is ours for life. It is us. We are experiencing, remembering, creating, suffering, imagining. All of this is processed here with the soul central to it."
- The great metaphysician Rudolf Steiner theorized that the people of our prehistory had been largely guided and directed by a higher order of beings who interacted and communicated with certain humans--the smartest, the strongest, the most intellectually flexible. Eventually these select humans produced what might be called demigods, divine human beings, who, in turn, could relay instructions from higher intelligences.
- In effect, Steiner may have given us another definition of the semi- divine progeny that the ancient Hebrews named Nephilim," which does, in fact, mean demigod, men of "great renown."
- Steiner went on to speculate that within the larger evolving human race were the descendents of those divine-human hybrid beings, men and women who are animated by higher ideals, who regard themselves as children of a divine, universal power. It need not be overemphasized that the larger body of humankind is devoted to the service of egotism, materialism, and selfish, personal interests.
- Steiner believed that within what he termed the emerging "Sixth Post-Atlantean Race" would be children of the divine universal power who would be able to initiate those men and women who have developed their faculty of thought so that they might better unite themselves with the divine. The children of the divine universal power, those who have the "seed" within them, will be able to initiate the more advanced members of humankind. People so initiated will be able to receive revelations and perform what others will consider miracles. The initiates will go on to become the mediators between humankind and the higher intelligences.
- The whole point of the efforts of these higher intelligences is to enable humankind to become more independent, more able to stand on its own feet without having to rely on the higher order of beings that directed us in ancient times.
- Rudolf Steiner was born at Krajevic, Austria-Hungary (now Yugoslavia) on February 27, 1861. Although he had experienced encounters with the mystical and the unknown as a young child and was guided by an adept he would only refer to as the "Master," Steiner's early academic accomplishments were in the scientific fields. His father had wished him to become a railway engineer, so that had led Rudolf into a study of mathematics, which seemed only to whet his appetite for the material sciences, leading him to pursue studies in medicine, chemistry, physics, as well as agriculture, architecture, art, drama, literature, and philosophy. Fascinated by the works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Steiner began the extensive task of editing Goethe's scientific papers, and from 1889 to 1896 worked on this project. It was also during this period that Steiner wrote his own highly acclaimed The Philosophy of Freedom.
- When he was in his late thirties (c. 1897), Steiner received a revelation of what he believed was the turning point in human spiritual history, the incarnation of the Divine Being known as the Christ. In the twentieth century, Steiner said, humankind began to enter the "fullness of time" when the Christ principle, cosmic consciousness, might once again become manifest.
- Steiner defined "Christ consciousness" as a transformative energy that greatly transcended orthodox Christianity. In Steiner's view, the Master Jesus became "christed" and thereby was able to present humankind with a dramatic example of what it means to achieve a complete activation of the spiritual seed within all human souls and to rise above all material considerations.
- In Steiner's Tenth Lecture on the Gospel of St. Luke, he reflects that just as a plant cannot unfold its blossom immediately after the seed has been sown, so has humankind had to progress from stage to stage until the right knowledge could be brought to maturity at the right time.
- To Steiner, the Christ energy is the catalyst that germinates the seed that great Spirit Beings implanted within their human offspring. There were, of course, the physical seeds of male and female, which intermingled to produce the whole human being. But there was also something in each human that did not arise from the blending of the two physical seeds. There was, so to speak, a "virgin birth," a something ineffable, Steiner says, which somehow flowed. into the process of germination from quite a different source: "
- In 1913, Steiner set about forming his own group, the Anthroposophical Society, which he declared would be about the utilization of "human wisdom" (anthro=man; sophy=wisdom) to achieve contact with the spiritual world. The human intellect, Steiner insisted, could be trained to rise above material concerns and to perceive a greater spiritual reality. The human consciousness had the ability to activate the seed that the great Spirit Beings had implanted within their human offspring.
- Steiner emphasized that the path to such contact might best be attained by a proper application of meditation. When human consciousness had been raised to the spiritual level where it can experience the eternal element that is limited by neither birth nor death, then it can comprehend its own eternality and its ability to be born again in subsequent life existences.
- Such spiritual prophets as Steiner have foretold that humankind is now entering the "fullness" of time when the Christ principle, cosmic consciousness, can once again become manifest. Sensitive observers of the contemporary scene have taken careful note of the fact that thousands of men and women throughout the world are being activated by a heightened state of awareness that comes to them in dreams, visions, and strange memories. These individuals are feeling the seed bringing forth new life within them and they are concerned about the spiritual needs of the human souls around them.
- Spiritual history is replete with many sincere and insightful prophets and teachers who lived before the Master Jesus, but, Steiner said, they could speak to their fellows only by using the faculties transmitted through their earthly natures. They used the energy and the wisdom of Earth.
- According to Steiner, Jesus tapped into an awareness of that higher energy which comes from the realm of the Divine. He knew that a speck of this energy no larger than a mustard seed could exalt the human psyche. He knew that even the slightest infusion of this energy into the physical seed of male and female would transform the individual into a citizen of a higher dimension of reality, the "Kingdom of God." And, at the same time,.he taught that the doorway to enter such a wondrous kingdom lay within the heart of each sincere pilgrim who sought to join him there.
- "The importance of Jesus was not that he was a human like us," John W. White remarks, in the April 2, 1982 issue of New Attitudes, "but that we are gods like him--or at least we have the evolutionary potential to be."
- White observes that while Jesus, the man, was a historical person, the "Christ" is an eternal, transpersonal condition of being. When we distinguish between the eternality of the "Christ consciousness" and the man Jesus, we can more completely understand the promise given in John 14:12: "Truly, truly, I say to you. he who believes in me will also do the work that I do; and greater works than these will he do... "
- In White's view, Jesus was an evolutionary forerunner of the higher race that will inherit the earth, a " ... race of people that will embody the Christ consciousness on a species-wide basis, rather than the sporadic individual basis seen earlier in history when an occasional avatar, such as Buddha or Jesus, appeared."
- White gives the name of Homo Noeticus (pertaining to higher consciousness) to the evolving form of humanity:
- "Because of their deepened awareness and self-understanding, the traditionally imposed forms, controls, and institutions of society are barriers to their full development. Their changed psychology is based on expression, not suppression, of feeling. Their motivation is cooperative and loving, not competitive and aggressive. Their sense of logic is multilevel, integrated, simultaneous; it is not linear, sequential, either-or. Their identity is sharing-collective, not isolated-individual. Their psychic abilities are used for benevolent and ethical purposes, not harmful and immoral ones. The conventional ways of society do not satisfy them. The search for new ways of living concerns them."
- "We are not simply human beings," White tells us, "we are also human becomings, standing between two worlds, two ages. Each of us has the latent ability to take conscious control of our evolution and thereby become members of the New Humanity ... Jesus did not say that the highest state of consciousness was his alone for all time. Rather, he called us to follow him, from his example."
- Numerous mystics and seers, quite apart from the Christian tradition, have noted that there appears to have been some dispensation of cosmic energy that occurred at the time when the Master Jesus was seeking to raise awareness. Some believe that when he preached about a new way that had come from his Father's Kingdom and which had blended with the feminine principle of the Holy Ghost, he was talking about a literal transmission of energy being broadcast to Earth from some higher realm. Pentecost, those metaphysicians will say, was a powerful demonstration of that energy. The apostles were so glowing with the cosmic energy that they appeared to be on flre to those who witnessed the absorption of the Christ principle into their physical bodies.
- Perhaps something truly was added to the energy of the Earth Mother at that time--call it the Holy Spirit for lack of a better term--and hundreds of thousands of men and women are being activated by that same cosmic energy today as it is received in their dreams, visions, and memories. All over the planet, contemporary citizens of Earth are having their individual Pentecosts, as the seed within them, their spiritual legacy from beyond the stars is being brought to fruition.
- Futurist Theodore J. Gordon has commented: "In considering the future of religion, it is appropriate to ask what the unknown might yield in the next few decades that would have relevance to man' s view of his relationship to the cosmos. A major event ... would be the discovery of extraterrestrial life wherein we would become members of a community of life, participants in a drama bigger than we could have dreamed."
Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro - homenagem

Publicado originalmente no número de Natal de 1956 do "Cavaleiro Andante", véspera do centenário do nascimento do artista. Re-escrevi e atualizei o texto, agora com caracteres próprios de BD, já que, no original, trazia "fonts" de impressão tipográfica. Desenhos de José Ruy. Vale a pena clicar e ler na tela ampliada.
The Symphony of the Spheres (Earth's Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever)
Special to LiveScience
LiveScience.com Wed Apr 16, 9:11 AM ET
Earth gives off a relentless hum of countless notes completely imperceptible to the human ear, like a giant, exceptionally quiet symphony, but the origin of this sound remains a mystery.
Now unexpected powerful tunes have been discovered in this hum. These new findings could shed light on the source of this enigma.
The planet emanates a constant rumble far below the limits of human hearing, even when the ground isn't shaking from an earthquake. (It does not cause the ringing in the ear linked with tinnitus.) This sound, first discovered a decade ago, is one that only scientific instruments - seismometers - can detect. Researchers call it Earth's hum.
Investigators suspect this murmur could originate from the churning ocean, or perhaps the roiling atmosphere. To find out more, scientists analyzed readings from an exceptionally quiet Earth-listening research station at the Black Forest Observatory in Germany, with supporting data from Japan and China.
Different types
In the past, the oscillations that researchers found made up this hum were "spheroidal" - they basically involved patches of rock moving up and down, albeit near undetectably.
Now oscillations have been discovered making up the hum that, oddly, are shaped roughly like rings. Imagine, if you will, rumbles that twist in circles in rock across the upper echelons of the planet, almost like dozens of lazy hurricanes.
Scientists had actually expected to find these kinds of oscillations, but these new ring-like waves are surprisingly about as powerful as the spheroidal ones are. The expectation was they would be relatively insignificant.
New thinking
This discovery should force researchers to significantly rethink what causes Earth's hum. While the spheroidal oscillations might be caused by forces squeezing down on the planet - say, pressure from ocean or atmospheric waves - the twisting ring-like phenomena might be caused by forces shearing across the world's surface, from the oceans, atmosphere or possibly even the sun.
Future investigations of this part of the hum will prove challenging, as "this is a very small signal that is hard to measure, and the excitation is probably due to multiple interactions in a complex system," said researcher Rudolf Widmer-Schnidrig, a geoscientist at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Still, a better understanding of this sound will shed light on how the land, sea and air all interact, he added.
Cliff Richard - Me and my Shadows (No. 1)
The Mamas and The Papas - Words of love
The Mamas and The Papas - Monday, Monday
Edição portuguesa de 1966. Tanto na capa como na etiqueta o nome do grupo vem errado, mediante o uso indevido de apóstrofe + "s" (caso possessivo) em vez do plural simples. Uma vergonha nacional que se repete sistematicamente nos seguintes EPs deste grupo. Conteúdo:
- Monday, Monday
- California dreamin'
- Hey girl
- Spanish Harlem
Colecção de Cromos A Conquista do Espaço
Mais um casamento
Desta vez, a festança de casamento ocorreu na Sociedade Hípica de Campinas. Foi um sucesso absoluto. Boa comida, boa bebida (que eu não toquei) e uma banda de arromba, capaz de cobrir todos os géneros e idiomas com igual competência e maestria. Até o nome é original: "O Chapéu da Máfia". Todos os elementos vestidos de preto, com o chapeuzinho da ordem na cabeça.
O único problema (que é uma constante em todas as festas, em todo o mundo) foi o volume do som ter sido muitos, muitíssimos decibéis acima do que qualquer tímpano aceita sem sofrer mazelas. Prevendo isso, fui munido de um par de tampões para ouvido, que muito me consolaram. Mesmo com eles o som estava alto de mais para o meu gosto, imagine-se o que seria sem eles!...
Uma nota especial para a equipa de fotografia e filmagem, que distribuiu pela assistência aquelas gracinhas de imitação de capas da revista Caras, como se pode ver acima. Muito bem bolado!
Tintin au Congo
O mais controverso e politicamente incorrecto de todos os álbuns coloridos de Tintin. Hergé é acusado de racismo por alguns comentadores (que não eu). Curiosamente, foi lançada uma reedição recentemente na República Democrática do Congo, que constituiu o mais retumbante sucesso. E esta, hein?!
Edição Casterman encadernada de 1947.